1. Blake thinks he is such a big boy and enjoys standing up on my lap and looking around.
2. In the car if Blake is crabby I will turn on some BYU Vocal Point and he usually calms down pretty quickly.
3. Blake LOVES to nurse, he would seriously do it all day and all night long if I would let him.
4. At 6 weeks we finally switched to size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes.
5. Blake is an AWESOME sleeper. I let Blake decide when he wants to sleep and eat, I am totally on his schedule. At night he will go for about 4-5 hours when he first falls asleep and then he nurses and goes right back to sleep, sometimes for only an hour and sometimes he goes for 3. We have our nights when he doesn't sleep, but I cant complain to much.
Miss Molly helping take pictures, she is a great help...