Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We had a great Christmas this year. It was very low key which was awesome. Brian spent almost the entire week leading up to Christmas asking to open his presents, and I kept saying no, then I gave up on Christmas Eve. At 11:30 we opened presents, close enough to Christmas morning. It was a bad idea to wait that long, we then were up until about 2 playing with our new toys :) Brian gave me an Ipad and I love it, pajamas, and a few other things. He got a PS3 and he is digging it, he also got pajamas and some other things. On Christmas day we went to Brian's sister Jenn's house, we always love hanging out with her and her family they are great! We then went to Brian's dad house and hung out with them. It was a great day!! We are so very blessed and we cannot wait for the New Year and see what it brings. We already know we will have an amazing gift coming to our family in April, we cannot wait to have him, and see what he looks like!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

24 weeks!

I was 24 weeks on Friday. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy seems to be going! I am feeling great, some days I am totally uncomfortable and sweats are the only thing to wear :) A few weeks ago I started doing prenatal yoga, and prenatal water aerobics, I cant say I am a huge fan of yoga ( it makes me laugh almost the entire time I am there, I feel really silly) but I know it helps with labor and all that jazz so I will continue to do it and maybe I will learn how to like it! Baby boy really enjoys kicking and moving all the time! I love feeling him move, it is so amazing. Lately when he kicks I can see my stomach move, it is a little weird but really funny watching my belly dance.
I thought it would be really cool to wear the same shirt throughout the pregnancy for the weekly pictures..okay maybe monthly pictures for me, or maybe a little bit longer :) but I will not continue to wear this shirt in any pictures.. I look horrible.. but at least it shows how big baby is getting!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

We are so excited for this little boy! We were totally shocked to find out we are having a boy, but very excited! I was going to upload some ultrasound pictures but they aren't very clear, bummer. The little one looks like it has my chin, and pretty much the rest looks like Brian, even his feet :) He will be a perfect little boy, everything looks good and we are measuring a few days earlier then the due date, not enough to change our due date, but at least we know he is healthy and strong! I have really enjoyed feeling him move more and more, he really enjoys moving and kicking.. but I am totally fine with it!!! I love feeling him move!!

Reveal Party!

The ones who guessed right:)
The ones who guessed wrong...

Thank you to everyone who helped with the reveal party it was a great way to find out what the little one is!! We had everyone guess what the baby was, it was pretty split, but most of the adults guessed a girl, even Brian and I thought it was a girl! But we are so excited to welcome this little boy into family!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boy?? Girl??

Tomorrow is the big day! We get to find out what we are going to have :) We are so excited to know! It seriously is like the night before Christmas times a billion, I seriously cannot sleep, and have been trying to fall asleep for what seems like forever! I am so happy that I will be able to see the baby, and hopefully find out what it is.. I have been talking to it and telling it that it needs to let mommy and daddy know what it is, hopefully baby will listen and do what its momma asked!! Tomorrow night I will be having a reveal party ( Thanks to my sisters and my mom!) I will have to wait all day long to find out, but it will be worth it to have my family there with me for that special moment!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Move baby move

This past week has been a great week in the Patterson house. On Wednesday I called my sister and asked her if I felt a super hard spot on my belly but the rest was gushy if that was a baby, and she said it was probably the baby's bum or head, I thought it was the baby but I just wanted a second opinion. I was so excited, I could feel the baby's bum or head! Later that day I could feel the little one moving. Then on Thursday morning before Brian and I went to SLC, I sat up because I could feel the baby moving, then I laid back down on the bed and I put the computer on my belly next thing I knew the baby was kicking me, best feeling ever, I told Brian and he put his hand on my belly and sure enough baby kicked again. It was so fun having Brian be there when I felt the baby kick for the first time, and I am glad he go to feel it as well. Some days I feel the baby move and then the next I wont, which gets slightly annoying, but I am very happy I can feel the baby move sometimes! As the baby gets stronger and stronger I am sure I will feel it everyday! A week from Wednesday we get to find out what we are having, I cannot wait!!

1 Year Anniversary!

A year ago today Brian and I were sealed for time and all eternity. I am so glad we made the decision to get married in the temple. It has brought so many blessings to us. This year seems to have gone by so fast. So many changes happened this past year, and I know we have plenty more to come this coming year. Who would of thought I would be 19 weeks pregnant on our first anniversary? Not me, but we are so excited for this little one to come join our family. Brian is such a great husband, he is so patient, loving, hardworking a great listener, I could go on and on about how great he is.He is so patient with all these pregnancy hormones and cravings. I think he finds it humorous but doesn't tell me especially when I am crying around about not being able to find someone to cover our primary class, yes I really did that this week. I am so happy and excited about our life and the many things that will come our way!

Cutting our cake
Of course we cant forget Molly :)

Salt Lake City

(The picture is sideways, but I don't know how to flip it)

Brian and I made a quick trip to SLC this weekend, Brian had a four day weekend so we took advantage of that! We were able to go to the temple, amazing! It is an absolutely beautiful temple! I feel so blessed that I am able to enter the Lords House and to do work there for people that could not do it for themselves, it is an amazing feeling knowing you are helping someone. I also am so happy that Brian and I are sealed for time and all eternity, it is such a blessing in our lives. It was really special to go to the temple the day before our 1 year wedding anniversary, to remind us of the covenants we made that day, and also to remember all the many blessing we have, even if at times they are hard to see, we are totally blessed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Doctors Appointment

So today, I have been an emotional wreck. I still haven't felt the baby move (little stinker) and I have had three weeks since my last appointment, and still have three weeks until my ultrasound. I apparently cant go 6 weeks without an appointment, so I caved and called my doctor and just asked to come in to listen to the heartbeat, I didn't want them to think I was crazy for asking that, but I needed to hear the little one!! The heart rate was at 140, but then it started to move and went clear up to between 160-170. It seriously was the best sound in the world listening to the heartbeat, and on top of that hearing the baby move. Simply Amazing! I found out the reason why I haven't felt the baby move, my placenta is in the front, so it forms a barrier so I cant feel little one move, at least until it gets bigger and actually kicks or punches me :) I cannot wait to feel the baby move, and I cannot wait until my next appointment and I get to find out what the baby is.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Our trip to Denver

Brian and I went to Denver this past weekend to see my dad who is building a cabin there, and to go to the BSU game. We had so much fun there.
While in Denver we went and walked around downtown Denver and then went to the zoo. I loved the zoo and seeing all the animals. Except for the part that I didn't wear the right shoes to walk around all day long, by the end of the day I felt like I had ran a marathon, my calves were killing me! I made sure to wear my really cute tennis shoes the rest of the time there. I was glad to go see my dad and see the cabin and the little tiny town he lives in.

Monday, October 10, 2011

14 Weeks!

I am a little late posting this, I was 14 weeks last Friday, but hey at least I am finally getting it posted! I have officially popped. I have been feeling great, I still have to eat all the time but I am guessing that will probably last the entire time, which I am okay with! Lately I keep pushing and jiggling my belly constantly and telling little baby to move :) I thought I felt it move last week, but I haven't felt it move since. Hopefully soon though! This week we have an appointment and we get to hear the heartbeat I am so excited for that!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

12 weeks!!

We are 12 weeks as of Friday! I have a feeling I might end up being huge:). I am feeling great, I am just ready to get some more motivation, it seems to be lacking a little bit for me. Brian is lucky if he has clean clothes to wear!! I was very surprised for how fast I couldn't wear my normal clothes, and the fact that I can only bend over for a few seconds without being totally uncomfortable. We had our first ultrasound on Thursday (see pictures on previous posts) everything went well and the baby looks great! We seem to have an active little one, it would not stop moving the entire time, but it was good for mommy and let us get some really good pictures of it, and letting the doctor do all the measurements. I cannot wait to start feeling the baby move. Having the ultrasound made it real, I really am pregnant, and Brian and I are going to be parents!
I have had some weird cravings, I am not a hot dog eater, I used to love them then I didn't eat them for like 2 years because I found out what was really in them. I could not stop thinking about hot dogs wrapped in the crescent rolls. Seriously?! Of all things hot dogs?! The other night Brian and I went to his brother Matt's house for his wife's birthday party, and guess what they had. Thats right, hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls! I debated for awhile whether I should eat it or not, but the doctor said I could eat them as long as they were cooked properly. I caved. I ate one, and it was delicious. Luckily I haven't wanted one since! I just hope my cravings wont be that weird in the future:)


Surprise!! Baby Patterson is on it's way!! Brian and I could not be more excited about the little one. Our due date is April 6th. Thankfully I have not been very sick, I just have to make sure I eat constantly:)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Let's start from the beginning

Brian and I met in May of 2010, he had just gotten home from his mission, and his sister was all about getting us to go on a date. Even before he got home she was talking to me about him, and talking to him about me. We both thought she was a little bit silly for trying to set us up (I am forever grateful now!). We went on a few dates, had a determine the relationship and I admitted I knew I was supposed to marry him. Little did he know that I had felt that way since the first date, I didn't want to make him think I was a creeper or anything!!
Brian and I got engaged on July 19th. Brian proposed to me after doing a short scavenger hunt. He took me to all the places that meant something to us, at each place he would tell me what he loved about me, and make me think he was going to pop the question, but he never did. We started at Table rock, we went there for our first date after we went bowling and I kicked his trash:). After table rock we went to Sonic for the best milkshakes ever, then it was off to Lucky Peak. After we went to Lucky Peak and I was certain he was going to ask me at the next stop, he took me to the Boise Temple to walk on the grounds, I knew he was going to ask I just knew it. Then his phone rang, awesome, he told me it was his dad and that his dad needed to talk to him (keep in mind his dad was considering going to Afghanistan as a contracted pilot, so it was a big deal) my heart sank, I was so bummed I thought that he wasn't going to ask me. Brian drove me home and I knew my family was at home because we had just had dinner all together, I open the door and there it is, the question I was waiting for, my siblings were holding up little signs that said 'Will you marry me?'. I was so confused, but so excited. I turned around and Brian was on his knee with my ring. I lost it, I was crying and jumping around and I could not believe it happened after I was certain it wasn't going to.
A few short months later we were married for time and all eternity on November 13, 2010. It was an absolutely freezing but beautiful day. I loved just sitting with Brian in the temple, and everything was so calm and peaceful, and perfect. Later that day we had a reception, and it was beautiful my family did such a great job of setting everything up and making it look great. Brian and I were very blessed with all the support and help we received that day.

Starting a Blog

So I have been debating starting a blog because I am horrible at keeping a journal. We will see how this works! Brian and I have a lot of things happening the next few months and I need to start keeping track of all the new, fun, challenging adventures heading our way.