Sunday, November 13, 2011

Move baby move

This past week has been a great week in the Patterson house. On Wednesday I called my sister and asked her if I felt a super hard spot on my belly but the rest was gushy if that was a baby, and she said it was probably the baby's bum or head, I thought it was the baby but I just wanted a second opinion. I was so excited, I could feel the baby's bum or head! Later that day I could feel the little one moving. Then on Thursday morning before Brian and I went to SLC, I sat up because I could feel the baby moving, then I laid back down on the bed and I put the computer on my belly next thing I knew the baby was kicking me, best feeling ever, I told Brian and he put his hand on my belly and sure enough baby kicked again. It was so fun having Brian be there when I felt the baby kick for the first time, and I am glad he go to feel it as well. Some days I feel the baby move and then the next I wont, which gets slightly annoying, but I am very happy I can feel the baby move sometimes! As the baby gets stronger and stronger I am sure I will feel it everyday! A week from Wednesday we get to find out what we are having, I cannot wait!!


  1. I always loved to feel the baby move. It is always so reassuring that things are good. Excited to find out what kind of baby you will be having!!! Love, Mom

  2. aww..isn't it the best feeling?! I love it!!
