Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blake's Birth

At about 12:30 am on March 22, my water broke at 37 weeks 6 days, I was slightly in denial about it. Brian was working nights and I was just about to call him when he walked in. I told him that I thought my water broke, and then I proceeded to tell him it probably wasn't my water it had to be something else. He talked me into calling my doctors office and talk to the on call doctor. We waited for a call back and she told us to go in to the hospital, she sounded so sure that it was my water that broke. When I was on the phone Brian was packing our stuff to go, and I kept telling him they would tell me not to go in, boy was I wrong!!
When we got to the hospital I told Brian I was okay staying pregnant for a few more weeks, I was not ready to deliver our baby boy. I was because I wanted to be done being pregnant but then when it was really happening I was no longer ready! We went to triage got checked in. Then they moved us to labor and delivery where we would stay for a really long time! They checked me and I was a 2 and 50% effaced and baby's head was fully engaged and he was facing the right way (good boy!), I hadn't progressed since Tuesday at my appointment. Even though my water broke, I only had 2 contractions between 12:30-ish to about 2. They started pitocin at about 4:30 and that started the waiting game. By 8 the contractions were regular but not very strong, at 11:45 I got my epidural, which is awesome!!! I was hoping I would have my baby before my sister left so he had until 3 o'clock to get here, that didn't happen. They checked me again a little after 3 and I was a 5-6 100% effaced. We waited and waited and waited some more. At 6:30 they checked me again I was at a 10!!! At 6:45 I started pushing. I pushed for about 3 hours and my doctor tried using the vacuum to help little Blake out, it didn't work, I don't know how many times she tried. She finally told me that we had two more contractions before she would do an emergency c-section. I was not okay with that, I did not want to have a c-section. I just kept praying and praying that I wouldn't have to have a c-section. At 10:45 pm, my sweet sweet boy was born. It was such a relief to be able to see him and hold him.
Blake had to go to the NICU for about 2 hours, he wasn't able to control his breathing, and his blood sugar was high. He then was able to go to the nursery.
Poor Blake's head, he was a little stuck :(


  1. Oh I love these pics!!! I wish he would have gotten here before I left too- little stinker!

  2. When you write it down it sounds so easy!!!! You forgot to mention that you(Lacy) were strong, tough and very stubborn. I just wanted to have a turn at pushing and give you a break. You were incredible. I have always said that stubborness was a gift that kept you here on this earth. You are a fighter, determined when you need to be.

  3. Oh my goodness, congrats!! I am so happy for you guys. Your little boy is precious. I can't wait to meet our daughter soon!
