Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

We are so excited for this little boy! We were totally shocked to find out we are having a boy, but very excited! I was going to upload some ultrasound pictures but they aren't very clear, bummer. The little one looks like it has my chin, and pretty much the rest looks like Brian, even his feet :) He will be a perfect little boy, everything looks good and we are measuring a few days earlier then the due date, not enough to change our due date, but at least we know he is healthy and strong! I have really enjoyed feeling him move more and more, he really enjoys moving and kicking.. but I am totally fine with it!!! I love feeling him move!!

Reveal Party!

The ones who guessed right:)
The ones who guessed wrong...

Thank you to everyone who helped with the reveal party it was a great way to find out what the little one is!! We had everyone guess what the baby was, it was pretty split, but most of the adults guessed a girl, even Brian and I thought it was a girl! But we are so excited to welcome this little boy into family!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boy?? Girl??

Tomorrow is the big day! We get to find out what we are going to have :) We are so excited to know! It seriously is like the night before Christmas times a billion, I seriously cannot sleep, and have been trying to fall asleep for what seems like forever! I am so happy that I will be able to see the baby, and hopefully find out what it is.. I have been talking to it and telling it that it needs to let mommy and daddy know what it is, hopefully baby will listen and do what its momma asked!! Tomorrow night I will be having a reveal party ( Thanks to my sisters and my mom!) I will have to wait all day long to find out, but it will be worth it to have my family there with me for that special moment!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Move baby move

This past week has been a great week in the Patterson house. On Wednesday I called my sister and asked her if I felt a super hard spot on my belly but the rest was gushy if that was a baby, and she said it was probably the baby's bum or head, I thought it was the baby but I just wanted a second opinion. I was so excited, I could feel the baby's bum or head! Later that day I could feel the little one moving. Then on Thursday morning before Brian and I went to SLC, I sat up because I could feel the baby moving, then I laid back down on the bed and I put the computer on my belly next thing I knew the baby was kicking me, best feeling ever, I told Brian and he put his hand on my belly and sure enough baby kicked again. It was so fun having Brian be there when I felt the baby kick for the first time, and I am glad he go to feel it as well. Some days I feel the baby move and then the next I wont, which gets slightly annoying, but I am very happy I can feel the baby move sometimes! As the baby gets stronger and stronger I am sure I will feel it everyday! A week from Wednesday we get to find out what we are having, I cannot wait!!

1 Year Anniversary!

A year ago today Brian and I were sealed for time and all eternity. I am so glad we made the decision to get married in the temple. It has brought so many blessings to us. This year seems to have gone by so fast. So many changes happened this past year, and I know we have plenty more to come this coming year. Who would of thought I would be 19 weeks pregnant on our first anniversary? Not me, but we are so excited for this little one to come join our family. Brian is such a great husband, he is so patient, loving, hardworking a great listener, I could go on and on about how great he is.He is so patient with all these pregnancy hormones and cravings. I think he finds it humorous but doesn't tell me especially when I am crying around about not being able to find someone to cover our primary class, yes I really did that this week. I am so happy and excited about our life and the many things that will come our way!

Cutting our cake
Of course we cant forget Molly :)

Salt Lake City

(The picture is sideways, but I don't know how to flip it)

Brian and I made a quick trip to SLC this weekend, Brian had a four day weekend so we took advantage of that! We were able to go to the temple, amazing! It is an absolutely beautiful temple! I feel so blessed that I am able to enter the Lords House and to do work there for people that could not do it for themselves, it is an amazing feeling knowing you are helping someone. I also am so happy that Brian and I are sealed for time and all eternity, it is such a blessing in our lives. It was really special to go to the temple the day before our 1 year wedding anniversary, to remind us of the covenants we made that day, and also to remember all the many blessing we have, even if at times they are hard to see, we are totally blessed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Doctors Appointment

So today, I have been an emotional wreck. I still haven't felt the baby move (little stinker) and I have had three weeks since my last appointment, and still have three weeks until my ultrasound. I apparently cant go 6 weeks without an appointment, so I caved and called my doctor and just asked to come in to listen to the heartbeat, I didn't want them to think I was crazy for asking that, but I needed to hear the little one!! The heart rate was at 140, but then it started to move and went clear up to between 160-170. It seriously was the best sound in the world listening to the heartbeat, and on top of that hearing the baby move. Simply Amazing! I found out the reason why I haven't felt the baby move, my placenta is in the front, so it forms a barrier so I cant feel little one move, at least until it gets bigger and actually kicks or punches me :) I cannot wait to feel the baby move, and I cannot wait until my next appointment and I get to find out what the baby is.